Top tips for creating an empowering vision board

Now's the time to start visualising everything that you want to achieve this year. So here are our top tips for creating the ultimate, empowering vision board for 2024.
Take some time to reflect on your aims for this year. What do you want to achieve in various aspects of your life, such a career, relationships, health, and personal development? Be specific and bullet point some clear, achievable goals that align with your values and the person YOU want to be and not what looks good to others.
Collect images and quotes that align with these values and positively resonate with you. We recommend creating a fresh, new Pinterest board and looking at suggested posts for inspiration. Try for a 70:30 mix of wholesome concepts to material objects.
Sort your ideas in a meaningful way so the different areas of your life are compartmentalised. This will help ensure your ideas don't feel too overwhelming. Use the "Sections" feature on Pinterest or if on paper, try assigning a particular colour or a new paper to organise the various aspects of your life you're focusing on.
Your vision board is NOT something that needs to be aesthetically pleasing for social media, it is something that is close and personal to you. Include personal photos, handwritten notes, or any other items that have sentimental value to you. These touches will make the vision board more meaningful and serve as a constant reminder of why these goals are important to you.
Although certain goals will seem very important to you there and then, try not to marry yourself to them as they are likely to change and update as the year goes on, and that's usually a good thing. You can achieve anything you put your mind to whilst remembering there are things in life that are out of your control and are happening FOR you and not TO you.
Place your vision board where you'll see it daily for motivation and focus. Take a few moments each morning to focus on your goals and visualise yourself living them to reaffirm your commitment to achieving them.
We hope this helps you and we're wishing you a powerful year ahead. <3